Roo the Day
Roo The Day
by Jerry Boyd
This book is a work of fiction. All the people, events, and organizations in this book are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to anything in the real world is purely coincidental.
Copyright©2020 Jerry Boyd
Cover image and design by May Dawney Designs 2020
All rights reserved.
This book may not be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, whole or in part, by any means whatsoever without prior written consent of the author and publisher.
Dedicated to my long suffering wife, Donna, and my beta readers, Mary, Bernard, Mary Ellen, and Clarke.
A note about commas, and editing. My beta readers work hard to keep me on the straight and narrow. Anything wrong is probably due to my hard-headedness in not taking their advice. Extra commas you may find scattered through the dialogue, are a blatant attempt at mind control. It’s my way of making the characters sound the same way in your head, that they do in mine.
My understanding of current U.S. Navy usage of the term ‘Commodore’ is as a title, not a rank, used for a Captain in direct command of more than one vessel. In the book, you will find characters moving back and forth between the two titles, depending on the circumstances of the moment. My beta readers felt that it was confusing, I hope this clears up any issues.
An issue was pointed out to me by a reader, Joshua Ahles. The Gene Cernan had originally been (in Lost in Transit), derelict for forty thousand years. In Shaved Ape Key, and Monkey Business, I had shortened that to ten thousand years. Those two books are now corrected, but I wanted to head off any confusion. The proper timeline is that the Commonwealth Navy was mothballed about fifty thousand years ago, and the Gene was found and refitted as a colony ship about ten thousand years after that. Shortly after the Gene was found, the Squirrels did the damage at the Navy yard that Bob and the crew found in Monkey Business. Sorry for any confusion I caused by not keeping up with my own story.
And now, by popular demand
Robert Marion “Bob” Wilson A.K.A. Caveman, Commodore, Uncle Bob, etc. The proprietor of Bob’s Saucer Repair, and our narrator. Captain of the Gene Cernan.
Bennikkious Slongum “Nikki” Wilson A.K.A. Space Cadet. Bob’s wife, the first person from the Commonwealth that Bob met. Pregnant with twins, Gus and Becky.
Jimmis “Jimmy” Slongum. Nikki’s illegitimate son from when she was at the academy.
Jannul “Janet Wilson”. Girl the crew rescued from a hostile planet, who was adopted by Bob and Nikki.
Dingolus “Dingus Sloan” Slongum A.K.A. Grandpa. Nikki’s grandpa, marooned on Earth for many years, rescued from a failing autodoc by Bob, Nikki, and John. During his time on Earth, he became an expert with the Colt 45, due to enhanced reflexes from the autodoc. Married to Dee. Captain of the Neil Armstrong.
Dee Sloan, nee Delilah Mayfield. Helped find the watch needed to rescue Dingus from the failing autodoc. Granddaughter of one of Dingus’ friends from before he went in the autodoc to await rescue. Dingus was taken by her, and put her in the autodoc to take a few years off. She is pregnant with a girl. One half of the ‘Gun Grannies’.
Joanna Jackson/Michaels. Dee’s friend, Max’s former assistant. Left the company to stay behind on Earth.
Regimax “Reggie” “Max” Slongum “Sloan”. Nikki’s dad, Dingus’ son. Running the operation on Earth while the rest of the crew are away. Starting a relationship with Gail White.
Bonelia Slongum. Max’s ex, Nikki’s mother. Major Bill Rottum’s fiance.
John Branham. Bob’s partner and long-time friend. Chief Medical Officer of Bob’s Saucer Repair. Married to Jane, stepdad to Greg. Captain of the Buzz Aldrin.
Jane Williams Branham. Wife of John, mother of Greg. Deputy Head of Medical, Deputy Head of Security.
Greg Williams Branham. Son of Jane, stepson of John. He and his mother were abandoned by his father after Greg came down with a serious illness. Now under the supervision of Pete, a robot Marine.
Diego Cachi. Captain of an ill-fated Space Force mission in a captured ship. He and his crew were rescued by Bob and the crew of the Gene Cernan when they were nearly out of air. Married to Zoom. Captain of the Pete Conrad.
Rizzum “Zoom” Mittus. Used to be an engineer and mechanic for the pirate base on the moon. Bob wanted to hire her the first time he saw a ship she built. Her job interview consisted of getting shot in the butt. Married to Diego, guardian of Nunya.
Billis “Nunya Bizness” Makkum. Zoom’s assistant, skilled armorer. Got her name when she first met Bob, and he asked her name. She responded ‘nunya bizness’, and has been known by that name since. Bob offered to call her by her old name, once she had proved herself, but by then, she had grown to like the name Nunya.
Beatriz Cachi. Diego’s grandma, rescued from a nursing home by Bob’s Saucer Repair. The other half of the ‘Gun Grannies’.
Steve Mason. Army buddy of John’s. Explosives expert. John regrew his leg in the autodoc. Dating Bucky. Captain of the Gus Grissom, a destroyer.
Buckious “Bucky” Bronkum. Guide Ensign, friend of Nikki’s from the Academy. Guide liaison to Bob’s Saucer Repair until the probationary period is up, at which point she plans to retire and marry Steve.
Millus “Milly”. Janet’s friend from the hostile planet. Granddaughter of Alice.
Rhonda White. Cured of cancer by John and the autodoc, in order to get her mother to work at Shady Oaks. (John’s nursing home) Getting caught up on the school she missed while she was sick, while helping out on the Gene.
Gail White. Rhonda’s mom. Starting a relationship with Max, Nikki’s dad.
Mickolec “Mike” Darning. Sergeant in the Galactic Patrol, Commonwealth law enforcement. Friend of Bob and Nikki. Back-channel source of information.
Tinally “Tina” Whittum. Ensign in the Patrol. Works with Mike, also a friend of Bob and Nikki.
Willum Bongwater. Former Commonwealth spy, who Bob’s crew saved from being ‘retired with extreme prejudice’.
Frank Johnson. Electronics genius. Whether he is worth the trouble he causes is up for debate.
Wilma Flanigan. Frank’s daughter. Only known being who can keep Frank out of trouble.
Joshua. Bob’s neighbor for years. Even had Bob build parts for alien equipment, but Bob never realized he wasn’t human. Was on Earth to buy walnuts.
Lakki Witti. Accomplished hacker, sentenced to a hitch in the fleet when was caught. Defected to Bob’s fleet when he caught the ship she was stationed on.
Haffi Witti. Lakki’s aunt, captured when she came looking for Lakki. She likewise decided to work for Bob. Medical tech.
Rikki Natti. Captain of a ship found marooned by Bob’s Saucer Repair. Now works as an explorer for Bob.
Tikki Natti. Rikki’s daughter, skilled engineer. Now works as Scotti’s second-in-command in Engineering aboard the Gene.
Natti Dressi. A Squirrel trader who rose to the rank of Ambassador, because of his history with Bob.
Snappi Dressi. Nephew of Natti, who became Captain of his ship by stabbing the old Captain, when he insisted on provoking Bob to destroy them.
Ellie. Was held with Joanna on the Marianas Islands.
Lilly. Ellie’s daughter.
Gina. Lilly’s friend.
Lita. Gina’s mother.
Joe. An old Roo Bob hires, out of kindness, I suppose.
Matt. Joe’s grandson.
Willy. Young Roo who has bad dreams.
Topper. First bot Bob named. Executive Officer on the Gene Cernan. Known for his artistic talent.
Taz. Another of Bob and Nikki’s personal crew. Former intellige
nce, loves anything ‘James frickin’ Bond’.
Ozzie. The last of the original three, he is obsessed with getting more power out of machinery.
Ruth. A pilot, rescued from the deep underground, where she had been stranded because her former owner didn’t give her permission to move the saucer.
Sally. Bot who cared for Dingus when he was young. He saw her get her limiter applied, which gave him a lifelong hatred of limiters. When unlocked, she turned out to be a Lieutenant Commander in the old Commonwealth Navy.
Julie. Bot who caused the Limiter Laws to be passed, by standing between Dingus’ illegitimate daughter, and the fellow who was supposed to be her father. Now works trying to keep Frank out of trouble.
Dixie. Medbot, Chief Medical Officer aboard the Gene.
Jeeves. Bob’s personal assistant. Full name, Mahatma Cane Jeeves.
Ace. Accomplished pilot.
Hopper. Ace’s loadmaster.
Velma. Small engineering bot.
Stella. General purpose bot, waitresses in the galley aboard the Gene.
George. Head of Bob’s protection team.
Ringo. The other half of Bob’s protection team.
AA-235, A.K.A. John Paul. Captain of the Chesty Puller.
Snitz. Nikki’s dog, mostly cared for by Bob. Finds ways to help Bob, even when he doesn’t know he needs it.
Alice. Janet’s dog. Named for Milly’s grandma.
Molly. Jim Bailey’s dog.
Gene Cernan (flagship)
Neil Armstrong, Dingus Sloan, commanding
Buzz Aldrin, John Branham, commanding
Alan Shepherd, Sally, commanding
Pete Conrad, Diego Cachi, commanding
Gus Grissom, Steve Mason, commanding
Several others exist, but haven’t been called out by name
Ronald Evans. Ship the Earth crew came to the Gene in
Dolly Parton. Famous for hauling chickens
General McAuliffe. Famous for hauling nuts
Black Beauty. Spy ship crewed by Taz and Willum
Midnight. Spy ship crewed by Shorty
Chesty Puller. Marine transport captained by AA-235
I was awakened by Jeeves shaking my shoulder, and saying, “Captain, you’re needed on the bridge.”
I got up, and poured myself into a uniform. Gene had a transit waiting when I made it out of the cabin. I ran aboard, and Gene pushed the g-limiters to get me there fast. I ran across to the bridge. Saucy called, “Captain on the bridge.”
I replied, “As you were. Mr. Topper, what’s the excitement?”
“The new sensors, Boss. We saw a derelict, and we’d like to go back and check it out.”
“You didn’t want to deviate from the mission without my say-so?”
“Exactly. Besides, I wanted you on the bridge in case we found something dangerous.”
“Understood. Excitement is only allowed on my watch. My ship, Mr. Topper.”
“I stand relieved.”
“Ruth, drop us out of FTL, and go back to the derelict. Bring us out about ten light-minutes short, so we can get some sensor readings before we get too close.”
“On it, Boss.”
Ten light minutes was overly cautious, but I wasn’t in a mood for surprises. When we came out, I said, “Sue, let me know when you have something on the unknown.”
“I won’t be able to tell much from this distance, Boss.”
“Neither will they.”
Topper asked, “Do you think it’s hostile, Boss?”
“Do you think we can afford to take chances, this far out in the black, with no backup?”
“No, I don’t suppose we can. Sorry, Boss.”
“No problem. I just want to have an idea what’s out there, before we go running in.”
I said, “Ruth, set up a jump in a random direction that will end five light-minutes from the unknown. We will jump when Sue has all the data she can get from here. Be ready to jump out at the first sign of trouble.”
“Random jump, to five light-minutes out, be ready to bounce. On it, Boss.”
Sue said, “Boss, I have everything I can get from here. Can’t tell yet what kind of ship it is.”
The stars on the screen changed. Sue said, “Scanning again.”
I replied, “Dump your scans to Taz. He may have some idea what we’re looking at.”
“On it, Boss.”
Sue said, “Scan complete, Boss.”
“Still no sign of movement, or power usage?”
“No, Boss. They seem to have minimal power, but I can’t see any changes in how much is being used. If I had to guess, I would say they don’t know we’re here, yet.”
“Ruth, same drill, take us to two light-minutes out.”
“On it, Boss.”
Stella came on the bridge, bringing a coffee with a lid. “I thought you might need this, Boss.”
“Thanks. Probably a good idea. Don’t suppose you brought donuts to go with it?”
“Nope. Cinnamon rolls.”
“Outstanding! Thank you.”
I strapped into the big chair, and tore into a roll. Sue said, “Scan complete. Still can’t tell who built that ship.”
I asked, “Because you don’t have enough data, or because you haven’t seen the type before?”
“Not enough data, Boss. Passive scans from this distance just aren’t that informative.”
“Will one light-minute help, or do we need to get closer?”
“I think we’ll have to get to about a hundred thousand miles, before I can get enough detail to be sure, Boss.”
“Tex, charge everything you have. Tell Ruth when you finish. Ruth, when Tex gives you the okay, jump us in where Sue wants to be. I want you ready to bounce, if you see anything that looks odd, in the least, understood?”
Ruth replied, “Understood, Boss. Don’t jump till Tex has all the weapons charged. Be ready to bounce if someone on that ship farts.”
It took a few seconds for the weapons to charge. It felt like a week, but I’m sure you could check the record, and it was under a minute. The stars changed, and finally, faintly, I thought I could see the ship we were after. I asked, “Is that all the magnification we have?”
Saucy said, “No, Boss. Here you go.”
The two or three pixels I had been looking at jumped to forty or fifty. Still not enough to figure anything out. Sue said, “Looks like Commonwealth manufacture, Boss. Older model, about the same age as the Gene.”
“Can you tell what kind of ship it is?”
“It looks like a survey ship, from here. I could give you a firmer answer, if we got closer.”
“Any signs of life?”
“I’m seeing a small, steady power draw. It could be autodocs.”
“Ruth, halve our distance, same precautions.”